Dear PESA Members,

The 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Positive Education Schools Association Ltd (ACN 168 259 096) (PESA) was held:

Date:           Friday, 12 April 2019 at 10am
Venue:        RACV Royal Pines, Ross St, Benowa QLD 4217, Australia

The Notice of AGM 2019, which includes the AGM Agenda, is attached for your information.

Members are also referred to the following attached documents:

Mr Simon Murray (PESA Chairman) and Ms Janis Coffey retired by rotation at the end of the AGM.

In accordance with the PESA Constitution, one Member-Elected position on the Board fell vacant.

Mr Murray renominated to the Board and was the only nomination for member-elected directorship received.  In accordance with clause 12.3(b) of the PESA Constitution, as the number of nominations received was equal to the number of vacancies to be filled, Mr Murray was automatically elected as from the end of the annual general meeting.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.